The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Assembly Source File
231 lines
.TITLE <EXMEM -- Extended Memory Functions>
.SBTTL History
; exmem.asm 20 Dec 83 Craig Milo Rogers at USC/ISI
; Added peek() and poke(), and variants.
; exmem.asm 15 Nov 83 Craig Milo Rogers at USC/ISI
; Converted to PDP11-style TITLEs.
; exmem.asm 8 Sep 83 Craig Milo Rogers at USC/ISI
; Converted to multi-model Lattice C.
; exmem.asm 24 Aug 83 Craig Milo Rogers at USC/ISI
; Created this module to access extended memory.
.SBHED Declarations
; This module defines subroutines for manipulating extended memory,
; by which I mean memory which can't normally be referenced by the Lattice
; C complier.
INCLUDE C:DOS.MAC ; C segments.
INCLUDE C:BMAC.MAC ; C procedure calls.
; INCLUDE C:DOS.MAC ; C segments.
; INCLUDE C:BMAC.MAC ; C procedure calls.
PSEG ; Only code from here on.
.SBHED <GETADDR -- Return a 20-bit Address>
; name getaddr -- return a 20-bit address
; synopsis a = getaddr(p);
; PTR p; points to something
; long a; returned value
; description Converts a pointer to a 20-bit address, for DMA
; transfers, peek/poke, etc.
MOV BX,SEGXX ; Load segment part of pointer.
MOV BX,DS ; Get segment part of address.
MOV AL,BH ; Copy byte with high 4 bits.
XOR AH,AH ; Clear rest of high-order return register.
MOV CL,4 ; Get shift count.
SAR AX,CL ; Isolate high-order 4 bits.
SHL BX,CL ; Justify lower 12 bits.
ADD BX,OFFXX ; Add in lower bits of address.
ADC AX,0 ; Propogate carry, if any.
BEND GETADDR ; Return with result in AX & BX.
; (AX is high, BX is low)
.SBHED <PEEK -- Return the Contents of a Location>
; name peek -- return the contents of a location
; synopsis v = peek(a);
; long a; 20-bit address
; int v; returned value
; description Gets the contents of a location. This routine is
; inherently machine-specific. The address is in
; 20-bit integer format. The value returned is a
; 16-bit integer.
MOV SI,LOW16 ; Get low 16 bits of address.
MOV AX,HGH4 ; Get high four bits (right justified).
MOV CX,12 ; Need to left justify high bits
SHL AX,CL ; to make segment part of addr.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
MOV AX,ES:[SI] ; Get the value of the location.
BEND PEEK ; Return with result in AX.
.SBHED <CPEEK -- Return the Char Contents of a Location>
; name cpeek -- return the character contents of a location
; synopsis c = cpeek(a);
; long a; 20-bit address
; u_char c; returned value
; description Gets the contents of a location. This routine is
; inherently machine-specific. The address is in
; 20-bit integer format. The value returned is an
; 8-bit unsigned char.
MOV SI,LOW16 ; Get low 16 bits of address.
MOV AX,HGH4 ; Get high four bits (right justified).
MOV CX,12 ; Need to left justify high bits
SHL AX,CL ; to make segment part of addr.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
MOV AL,ES:[SI] ; Get the value of the location.
XOR AH,AH ; Clear the high order bits.
BEND CPEEK ; Return with result in AX.
.SBHED <LPEEK -- Return the Long Contents of a Location>
; name lpeek -- return the long contents of a location
; synopsis l = lpeek(a);
; long a; 20-bit address
; long l; returned value
; description Gets the contents of a location. This routine is
; inherently machine-specific. The address is in
; 20-bit integer format. The value returned is a
; 32-bit long integer.
MOV SI,LOW16 ; Get low 16 bits of address.
MOV AX,HGH4 ; Get high four bits (right justified).
MOV CX,12 ; Need to left justify high bits
SHL AX,CL ; to make segment part of addr.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
MOV BX,ES:[SI] ; Get the value of the low 16 bits.
ADD SI,2 ; Point to the high 16 bits.
JNC LPEKNC ; (no overflow)
ADD AX,1000H ; Propogate carry.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
LPEKNC: MOV AX,ES:[SI] ; Get the value of the high 16 bits.
BEND LPEEK ; Return with result in AX and BX,
; High 16 bits in AX, low 16 bits in BX.
.SBHED <POKE -- Change the Contents of a Location>
; name poke -- change the contents of a location
; synopsis poke(a, v);
; long a; 20-bit address
; int v; new value
; description Sets the contents of a location. This routine is
; inherently machine-specific. The address is in
; 20-bit integer format. The value changed is a
; 16-bit integer.
MOV SI,LOW16 ; Get low 16 bits of address.
MOV AX,HGH4 ; Get high four bits (right justified).
MOV CX,12 ; Need to left justify high bits
SHL AX,CL ; to make segment part of addr.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
MOV AX,VALU ; Get the new value.
MOV ES:[SI],AX ; Set the value of the location.
BEND POKE ; Return.
.SBHED <CPOKE -- Change the Contents of a Char Location>
; name cpoke -- change the contents of a char location
; synopsis cpoke(a, c);
; long a; 20-bit address
; u_char c; new value
; description Sets the contents of a location. This routine is
; inherently machine-specific. The address is in
; 20-bit integer format. The value changed is an
; 8-bit unsigned char.
MOV SI,LOW16 ; Get low 16 bits of address.
MOV AX,HGH4 ; Get high four bits (right justified).
MOV CX,12 ; Need to left justify high bits
SHL AX,CL ; to make segment part of addr.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
MOV AL,VALU ; Get the new value.
MOV ES:[SI],AL ; Set the value of the location.
BEND CPOKE ; Return.
.SBHED <LPOKE -- Change the Contents of a Long Location>
; name lpoke -- change the contents of a long location
; synopsis lpoke(a, v);
; long a; 20-bit address
; long v; new value
; description Sets the contents of a location. This routine is
; inherently machine-specific. The address is in
; 20-bit integer format. The value changed is a
; 32-bit long integer.
MOV SI,LOW16 ; Get low 16 bits of address.
MOV AX,HGH4 ; Get high four bits (right justified).
MOV CX,12 ; Need to left justify high bits
SHL AX,CL ; to make segment part of addr.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
MOV BX,LOVALU ; Get the low 16 bits of the new value.
MOV ES:[SI],BX ; Set the value of the low 16 bits.
ADD SI,2 ; Point to the high 16 bits.
JNC LPOKNC ; (no overflow)
ADD AX,1000H ; Propogate carry.
MOV ES,AX ; Transfer into extra segment register.
LPOKNC: MOV AX,HIVALU ; Get the high 16 bits of the new value.
MOV ES:[SI],AX ; Set the high 16 bits.
BEND LPOKE ; Return.
ENDPS ; End of code segment.